This page updated 11th December 2023
Upcoming Events?
For the past 21 consecutive years, Jubilee Resources has run annual Summer Schools, mostly in Wellington, Christchurch & Auckland. We are sensing Holy Spirit wants a change of emphasis in our ministry, so our board have decided to not hold any Summer Schools in January 2024. Educating people through our books, eBooks, downloadable videos etc. seem to be helping a growing number of people in over 80 nations, so we are focussing on completing those titles that are appropriate in the relevant languages.
Recent events:
We were invited to hold a special training course in Whangaparaoa entitled "It's Time To Reverse The Curse". What a special time together we had!
Since then we've received invitations to run this course in Timaru & Dunedin in March, as well as Kaikoura, Hanmer Springs & Tauranga. Any other centres that wish to join in on that, please contact us. Thanks.
The Books in Languages & on Amazon
27 of our top-selling books in English are now available through Amazon, meaning many folk in different parts of the world can receive books delivered much quicker & cheaper. Our # 1 top-selling title, Unmasking Freemasonry, is also available now in 12 languages, and we have over 270 titles in 26 languages completed to date (both as printed or ePub formats) with more coming. It's about equipping God's People.
Special thanks for all those praying for Jubilee, as the last few months have been quite intense and stretching. There are some major developments presently being considered, so prayer for wisdom for those would be greatly appreciated! Bless you for your faithfulness.
Changing Times
Communication these days has changed. Most of us hardly get any mail in our letter-box, and far too many in our email inbox. We've noted that around 95% of our orders for resources (& general inquiries) are on-line or by email, 3% phone with orders or inquiries, and the rest by post. So when we do a posted mail out for newsletters or events, etc. in your region, we decided it's not sensible to use printed reply envelopes anymore. We still have a Free Post # to use for those few in New Zealand who wish to use that way to order resources.
A Time to Rejoice – with Dr. Miles & Catherine Jones
It was a privilege to co-host Dr. Miles & Catherine Jones recently. Dr Jones has gathered 87 manuscripts of the parts of the New Testament in Hebrew, most of which predate the Greek N.T. He's assembling scholars to authenticate these, as well as present a more accurate N.T. when completed. He also spoke about 18 Major Accomplishments of the Messianic Church, including how the Spanish Inquisition resulted in 3/4 of Spain's population leaving (or were killed by the church), and the end of the Spanish Empire when Dutch & English "pirates" stripped Spanish ships of their booty. Columbus was Messianic, as were most of his crew as they sought freedom from persecution and established colonies in the New World.
Dr Jones also spoke about using mathematics to equip children with Biblical learning skills. This learning model was tested with children pitted against Ph.D's/Mensa members, the children won 14 out of 20 competitions.
The MP4 Videos of these may now be ordered from Jubilee's web-shop (LINK), as single programmes or at a discount - buy all four & only pay for three - either on a USB Drive or download.
About: It’s time to Reverse the Curse!!!
A Training Course for Christian Ministry teams & individual Christians who want to grow.Bring your own Lunch. Tea/coffee/herb teas supplied for breaks EFTPOS & Resources available Life isn’t always perfect.But for some people, and even some places, life isn’t easy. We’ve discovered that lots of people and places have a spiritual influence around that affects them. God - our Heavenly Father - wants us to learn to walk in His ways. However many of us are carrying spiritual baggage such as curses and iniquities, and they’ve never been taught how to recognise these, let alone deal with them.According to Dr. Derek Prince, the symptoms of the curses on individuals & families in Deuteronomy 28 can be summarised as follows:
- Mental and emotional disorders
- Repeated or chronic sickness (often hereditary)
- Barrenness, miscarriage and female reproductive problems
- Breakdowns of marriage and family alienation
- Continuing financial insufficiency (regardless of income level)
- Being “accident-prone”
- History of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths. (From “Blessings or Curses - You can choose” by late Dr. Derek Prince).
If someone has one or two of these symptoms, it doesn’t mean they are under a curse, but we couldn’t rule it out. One is unfortunate, two is interesting, and three’s a pattern! We look for patterns, and when dealt with the result is usually immediate relief and freedom.
This teaching offers hope for all Christians that they can be released into the blessings of God and forever leave behind iniquities and curses that have kept them and their families captive.
There are twelve major curses that people may have operating in their families. Recently we’ve learned about curses over Scottish, English, Irish, Welsh and Scandinavian people, plus many other national and ethnic groups around the globe. We are passing on what we have learned.
To Explain: Jesus Christ warns us to “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognise them”, (Matthew 7:15-16a). Jesus Christ also warns us that even mature Christians are at risk of deception, (Matthew 24:24). The Apostle Paul warns us to beware of those who preach “another Jesus”, and who are empowered by “another spirit” other than the Holy Spirit, and whose gospel is actually bad news, (2 Cor. 11:4).If you think you cannot be deceived, then you probably already are. What a sobering thought. But then, Deceived people don’t know they are deceived.Deception is when we believe a lie, about God, about His people, or even about ourselves. Deception misleads us, causes us to follow the wrong course. It uses enticements, and deludes us to accept the false and yet call it “Truth”.
Deception is not only just one mis-truth - but a whole collection, and usually ends up being empowered by a spirit of deception. Final deception results in a strong delusion.
* Have you been deceived by anyone?
* Have you been cursed for leaving a church? (More common than most realise, including ex-Catholics, JW’s, Mormons, Adventists, etc.)
* It’s time to break the curse of labouring in self-righteousness (common in Freemasonry, cults & spiritually abusive churches);
* There is a curse of the Masonic Tyler that needs breaking off churches, that has determined who gains access to God;
* There is a the curse of silence that needs to be broken off the families of Freemasons;Symptoms of a curse on a community, city or nation:
* The ground ceases to yield its fruit;
* The land vomits out its people (through famines, war, abortion, storms, earthquakes, fires, unstable governments, drug and alcohol addictions, broken marriages, fatherless children, poverty, unemployment, plagues/diseases, e.g. aids, etc.) These symptoms often look like:
* Economic stagnation
* Personal insecurity
* Civil & International insecurity
* Dishonour & Stagnation
* Lack of Innovation and Creativity
* Corruption in government & business/unions.
4 Major Causes of Curses on the Land & People
* Idolatry
* Bloodshed
* Broken Covenants & Witchcraft
* Immorality
New Zealand is the first nation to see the light of each new day, and is getting desperate to experience God’s move in His sovereign power.We have to learn to fit into His purposes, rather than try to convince Him to fit into ours!
Bring flyer & register on the day
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It’s time to Reverse the Curse!!! - Single Registration
Regular price$20.00 NZD
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It’s time to Reverse the Curse!!! - Single Registration
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June/July 2023 Newsletter |
In late April this year, I was filmed for a YouTube interview on Freemasonry. It was wide-ranging, including mentioning that six major cult groups were all started with a strong Masonic influence and involvement. These include the Mormons, Christadelphians, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists, Christian Science & Spiritualism. Within ten days, Dave the interviewer reported the interview had been downloaded 5,000 times & viewed 300,000 times. Now it’s over one million on all platforms. Since then, we have been swamped with inquiries how to get out of Masonry and other cults, as well as orders for resources to learn about these. It’s resulted in Unmasking Freemasonry being Amazon’s # 1 best seller on that subject. We are not displeased! |
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We’ve received inquiries and orders from virtually every state in Australia & the USA, every Canadian province, every British county, almost every nation in Europe, from Sweden to Gibraltar, and from Africa to South Korea. It’s obviously been an introduction of Jubilee Resources International to many for the first time, globally. The Free Stuff section of our web-shop has also had a hammering, it’s not uncommon for people to download 30 to 60 items, and the record to date is 153 items! These are free tracts & articles with the hope people will share them to help educate others. The effect of all this has been close to two years of orders for resources in six weeks, which has been a challenge. Those who ordered printed books and/or MP4 video on a USB drive have either received them or should do within a few days. We have no control over the distribution from the various printers we use in 12 countries so they can be printed and shipped quicker. Maybe they have been swamped too. Also happening at the same time, a Christian University in the USA has adopted four of our books as text books for their Deliverance training, Unmasking Freemasonry, Unmasking Mormonism, Unmasking The Watchtower, & Rome’s Anathemas. They are considering other titles. This is an interesting arrangement, which we are happy to arrange for other Bible Colleges. |
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Update: Signs & Symbols is now available through Amazon, as well as Jubilee. This is the brand-new 8th edition, with an expanded Masonic section. |
So, to all who have helped themselves to our Free Stuff items, they are meant to be shared. Be a blessing to others too. To all those who ordered resources, Thank You, we hope you find these helpful, even liberating for you, your family and community. Dave, the interviewer, has given me a list of common questions he’s received direct, so we are considering another interview soon to answer those. They are similar to questions we’ve received direct through email, Facebook messages etc. In early July we also have a scheduled interview with a British media group as well. |
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Upcoming Event |
A Time To Rejoice!1. Discovered the real Mt. Sinai & Evidence of the Exodus 2. Recovered the Hebrew Gospels 3. Uncovered the History of the Survival of The Messianic |
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Dr. Miles R. Jones President of Benai Emunah Institute from Texas, USA |
(only in) Manawatu - Sat. 29th July 2023Taonui School Hall, 170 Waughs Road, Feilding (NZ)9.00am – 4.30pm Bring your own lunch, Bible & pen - Tea/coffee provided
Co-hosted with Manawatu Messianic Assembly
Flyer available with more details Prior Registration essential subject to space. Register at Event Registrations on our web-shop. |
A Training Course for home fellowships. These were held in Whanganui & Manawatu, with people attending from as far as Wellington, Christchurch, Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki, Horowhenua & Tararua. Hungry people! Some people were fine-tuning what they are already doing, while others now have the confidence to start their own. The MP4 video may be downloaded from our web shop, also available as USB Drive posted to you. It's entitled: "Help! The Sheep are Escaping." |
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The Books in Languages & on Amazon 27 of our top-selling books are now available through Amazon, meaning many folk in different parts of the world can receive books delivered much quicker & cheaper than from New Zealand, because these are printed locally. Often NZ Post would charge more than the value of the book, and that was never sustainable. Our top-selling title, Unmasking Freemasonry, is also available now in 12 languages, and we have over 195 titles in 14 languages completed to date, with more coming. We are thrilled that Ukrainian & Polish have now been added to Amazon language options. We also have around 200 titles in 27 non-English languages we can work on as translations and Scripture references are now all here. Every title completed is available as a download from the eBook section of our web shop, sorted by language. Once we have completed 5 more titles each in Ukrainian, Polish & Finnish, we are ready to tackle Malaysian & Indonesian, since those also read from left to right. Other Asian languages are ready to do, but the challenge of preparing books that go from right to left, and even from top to bottom of a page, are a bit daunting as yet. |
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Life is the time God gives you to determine How you'll spend eternity! |
Website Redesign |
Testimony from a man who found Free Stuff on our web. "Last night I read your prayers for quitting smoking about the burning of incense. I never looked at it that way. I had been feeling guilty for the last 6 months since I got saved. I just want to say I thank God, He put you in my life because I felt a big change last night when I read that and I'm not smoking cigarettes this morning because of what you wrote, and that prayer. Thank you so much, man. God bless you. I've been smoking for 35 years." Freedom from the Smoking Habit. LINK Update: 4 days later, still not smoking |
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May God: Remember you like Noah; Favour you like Moses; Honour you like Mary; Fight for you like the Israelites; Prosper you like Isaac; Promote you like Joseph; Intervene for you like Esther; Protect you like Daniel; Use you like Paul; Heal you like Naaman; Answer you like Elijah; Anoint you like David; & Keep you safe like Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego! |