Practical Ministry School

Subjects Included:

* The Bride will be in Combat Boots
* Spiritual Warfare for individual Christians & churches
* Baptism & Filling by the Holy Spirit
* Receiving & Operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
* How to Minister to deeper Emotional Needs
(incorporating the Isaiah 61 Prayer Ministry process)

Team Leaders: Dr. Selwyn Stevens & Anne Stevens

Part of each session will include both teaching and practical work. Each attendee will be invited to participate. Several local Christian pastors & ministry leaders will also be contributing in each region.

The main subjects being covered in this School include:

Spiritual Warfare for Individual Christians:
* The Bride will be in Combat Boots
* Soul afflictions of habits & iniquities, even when born-again.
* The price of Sin.
* God’s Protection Plan.
* The price of deliverance without repentance.
* Deactivating God’s alarm system – lies & strongholds.
* The place of Godly Authority
* Dealing with abusive & controlling ungodly authority.
* Recognising & dealing with Spiritual Pollution.
* If it was easy, it wouldn’t require discipline!

Spiritual Warfare for Congregations:
* Qualifications for Christian leadership.
* Protecting the local church from coven influence & infiltration.
* 8-Step coven programme to wreck churches.
* If your church is under siege spiritually…

Baptism & Filling by the Holy Spirit
* It must be important for Satan to bring division between Christians on this subject. The Holy Spirit seeks to bring God’s people together.
* Pentecost was in Acts 2, not Acts 28 – empowering for service.
* Identifying & Dealing with blockages to receive the Holy Spirit.

Receiving & Operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
* Distinctions between Fruit & Gifts of the Holy Spirit
* Fruitlessness & God’s favour cannot live long together…
* God wants you to know about your spiritual gifts
* Change mindsets, from having a gift, to being the gift.
* The role of the Five-fold ministry.

How to Minister to Deeper Emotional Needs
(incorporating the Isaiah 61 Prayer Ministry process)
* Fears & Phobias.
* Problems of self-esteem.
* Issues of unresolved grief, confusion or uncertainty.
* Sexual Abuse, molestation, etc.
* Child & Adult survivors of childhood trauma.
* Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID/MPD)
* Survivors of Ritual Abuse
* Dietary disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.).
* Those affected by A & B-type Traumas.*
(* A-type are described as the Absence of good things (e.g. nurture, affirmation) while B-type are identified as Bad things that happen. Source – Dr. Jim Wilder, Christian Psychologist from “Shepherd House” in California.)