Isaiah 61 Prayer Ministry

About Isaiah 61 & Keys to Wholeness Prayer Ministry Training Course




Subjects covered include:

  • Getting right with God
  • How to Hear God’s voice
  • Closing Legal Doors and Spiritual Hygiene
  • Curses, Iniquities & Ungodly Relationship bonds, or Soul-ties
  • Phobias
  • Pornography Addictions
  • Rejection & Unforgiveness issues
  • Faulty Foundations – Lies versus the Truth
  • Effective & Practical ministry guidelines, including how to prepare yourself to minister
  • Safeguards in Ministry
  • Recognising Dissociative Identity Disorder/MPD & Ritual Abuse – for safety’s sake
  • When to refer people to an Expert!

This is an exciting Holy Spirit-led approach in ministering to people who have experienced painful memories & emotional distress as a result of lie or trauma-based incidents in their lives.

Our goal is to help heal the wounded and guide them to freedom in Jesus Christ, & to provide user-friendly resource tools for all Christians who care, including pastors & counsellors.

The process is empowering & Christ-glorifying as the Lord Jesus Christ fulfils His role in Isaiah 9:6 as the “Wonderful Counsellor.” Similar processes of ministry have been taught by various reputable Christian leaders for at least twenty years & continue to be successfully used.

Isaiah 61 Ministry can offer help with:

  • Sexual Abuse, molestation, etc.
  • Child & Adult survivors of early childhood trauma
  • Dissociative Identity Response (Multiple Personality Disorder)
  • Survivors of Ritual & Cult abuse
  • Dietary disorders (anorexia, bulimia, etc.)
  • Issues of unresolved grief, confusion or uncertainty
  • Problems of self-esteem
  • Fears & Phobias
  • Those affected by A & B-type Traumas*

(* A-type are described as the Absence of good things (e.g. nurture, affirmation) while B-type are identified as Bad things that happen. Source – Dr. Jim Wilder, Christian Psychologist from “Shepherd House” in California.)

What Isaiah 61 Ministry Is!

– Liberating as a ministry tool for Pastors, counsellors & other caring people to effect release for the emotionally wounded.
– God directed, Bible-based and permanent.
– Simple and can be taught through workshops.
– Relief in as little as one session.
– Overcomes lie-based theology.
– Very effective in working with children.

What Isaiah 61 Ministry Is Not!

– It is NOT a New Age technique or practice.
– It is NOT guided imagery or visualisation.
– It is NOT Cognitive Therapy or Psychoanalytical.
– It does NOT plant false memories.
– It is NOT, nor does it use, any form of Hypnosis.
– It does NOT require professional qualifications.
To hold this seminar in your church or community:
Each subject requires between one and two hours each. Most often it is held on a Friday evening (say 7 to 10pm) and Saturday (9am to 6pm) with meal breaks.


Contact the Branch of Jubilee Resources nearest you, or the International office for suitable dates, and to arrange speaker/s. We usually use Powerpoint, and have our own equipment. There are manuals available for sale or for inclusion in the price.

A few larger churches have sought this course for their counselling, ministry teams and home group leaders, so a special arrangement may be made in such cases. Most of the time we would want other local churches to be invited so their ministry team members may be trained as well.

Unsolicited Testimonies of Isaiah 61 Course Participants
“The Course has greatly enriched my ministry, & given me some wonderful new skills and concepts of immediate benefit to my pastoral and counselling work.”
D., Salvation Army Corp Officer.
“This ministry and process is indeed effective as I and others have experienced, and I know that very many are grateful for the resulting healing.”
J., Professional Counsellor.
“The input and equipping you have brought to us is the most balanced & helpful we have personally experienced.”
P. & B., Pastors.
“We found this to be an excellent course – the best we have attended for many years. This is working in our own lives & in the lives of church members we are counselling.”
D. & C., Pastors.
“This is a great way of ministering to broken people. Am learning fast putting all this into action, but loving seeing Jesus do all the healing needed. I am drawing closer to Him myself in the process.”
K., Counsellor.
“This course was very encouraging to see that the whole healing process can be short-circuited by the presence of the Lord Jesus Himself.”
“…A life-changing weekend! Like many others I come from a background of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. I have had several years of counselling & through that process did receive a level of healing. However, meeting with the Lord Jesus & having Him speak words of love & truth brought instant & permanent healing in the places which were still in bondage. Now I am whole! For the last couple of years I have struggled to ‘be real’ – to stop wearing masks & pretending. I did not know how to do that. When I met the Lord (at your course) He set me free and now I can ‘be real,’ be me and know that I am free indeed.”
S., Prayer ministry leader.
“Thank you for the opportunity to learn another very important tool in the healing process.”
J., Medical Professional.
“I was released in several areas, including childhood rejection, identity, affirmation & guidance. I have since shared these principles with others in a simple manner with good results.”
J., Ministry leader.
“I have been using this method with my counselling clients & have found it very helpful in with other techniques.”
A., Professional Counsellor.,
“Light and Free! That’s how I felt when I returned from the course. Wounds from childhood healed. Unresolved grief dealt with. A fresh infilling of joy! I know Jesus has taken all the grief I carried for so many years.”
“For me this was and still is a life-changing weekend.”
L., Counsellor.
“It has been great to come straight from the course, start operating in the process and see Jesus set growing numbers of our church family free!”
B., Church Elder.

SPECIAL NOTE – over 20 Christian denominations have been represented at this course, & approx. 1/3rd have been Pastors & full-time/professional counsellors.