Jubilee Resources International
Celebrating the Feast of Pentecost: God’s Provision, Revelation and Power. E-book
Celebrating the Feast of Pentecost: God’s Provision, Revelation and Power. E-book
Celebrating the Feast of Pentecost: God’s Provision, Revelation and Power, by Dr. Selwyn Stevens.
What is Pentecost?
The Biblical feasts are “God’s Appointed Times.”They are commanded APPOINTMENTS with God! They are times when the Spirit of God wants to meet with us to accomplish very specific things in our lives. PASSOVER is an “appointed time” for God to deliver His people! Jesus was crucified at Passover to deliver us! (Our “Passover Lamb”)
TABERNACLES is the “appointed time” for God to come and “tabernacle” among His people. Jesus was probably born at Tabernacles! (The Word became flesh & tabernacled...)
God keeps His own calendar!
PENTECOST is the “appointed time” of God’s PROVISION!
It was a time to thank God for His provision in the last season and a time to secure God’s provision for a new season ahead.
It’s important to understand that Pentecost didn’t start in Acts 2! The disciples had all grown up celebrating Pentecost! It is described in Lev. 23:15-16, Num. 28:26-31, & Deut. 16:9-12
Pentecost was given as a time to cease from labour and thank God for His provision.When the time of harvest drew near, it meant an old season ended, and a new season began! The provision from the previous harvest had sustained them through the year! It was time to be thankful!
But the old harvest could sustain them no longer! So it was time to come before God in faith to secure His provision for the new season to come! Pentecost celebrates the Release of God’s Provision! It is celebrated by PRAISE & by GIVING! It’s especially a time for first-fruits offerings, a thanksgiving offering for provision! A Praise Offering by FAITH, offered before the full harvest was gathered! It was an act of faith that secured the whole harvest.
Pentecost also celebrates the release of God’s revelation! On the traditional celebration of Pentecost... folks stay up all night studying the Bible! “When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all together in one place!”
They would have brought thank offerings to the temple the night before, then stayed up all night studying the Bible! In Acts 2 the Church was born! It was the beginning of the new season! It was time to go to all the world with the gospel!
But a new level of provision was needed. The provision of the last season was not enough. So at Pentecost, God poured out His Spirit, and released His miraculous gifts! The Apostles understood Pentecost. They celebrated God’s provision! They brought thank offerings and praised!They filled their minds with HisWord!They spent time studying and pondering God’s Word! They were getting their minds to think the thoughts of God.They gained faith to receive promise!
For us, Pentecost also celebrates God’s provision of His Holy Spirit. Pentecost should be a time of testimony! It’s a time to PRAISE HIM for His goodness!
Let’s do what the disciples would have done!
1. Spend time in praise! Feast together! Prepare a first- fruits offering! Be FILLED with Thankfulness for God’s goodness!
2.Spend time in the Word! Study passages about God’s Spirit and His Power!
3. Pray for His Spirit to release a revival that will sweep our city and nation! Anoint each other! Receive Revival from Him!
May the peoples praise You, O God, May all the peoples praise You... Then the land will yield its harvest, and God will bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him. (Psalm 67:5-7)
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