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Jubilee Resources International

Kresťanské Krsty - Zdroje elektronických kníh v slovenskom jazyku

Kresťanské Krsty - Zdroje elektronických kníh v slovenskom jazyku

常规价格 $0.00 NZD
常规价格 促销价 $0.00 NZD
销售额 售罄

V Biblii sú jasné pokyny o tomto obrade zmluvy s Ježišom Kristom. Toto učenie sa zaoberá otázkami „Prečo?“, „Kto?“ a "Ako?" počítajúc do toho:

Čo znamená „krst“?Prečo sa teda dať pokrstiť?Kto by mal byť pokrstený?Ako sa má robiť krst?A čo krst dojčiat?Nahradilo to obriezku?Krst a Nová zmluvaKrst od Proxy?Krstiť v akom mene?Kto môže krstiť iných?Kresťania chcú vždy dodržiavať Božie Slovo vrátane tejto dôležitej témy.

Nie jediní kresťania, ale iba kresťania!


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Why does Jubilee Resources make free tracts available?

God’s commission for Jubilee is based on Ezekiel 33:1-9, and Luke 4:18-21.According to the Bible, Jubilee years were times of restitution. Debts were cancelled, slaves set free, families reunited and lost or forfeited inheritances restored. Every year was prophetic of the ministry of Jesus the Messiah. The Jubilee was proclaimed on the basis of the work of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement - so the liberating ministry of Jesus is founded on His atoning work. Jesus began His public ministry by reading the passage from the prophet Isaiah (Luke 4:18-21). All the liberties of the Jubilee year are now available to us through the redemptive work of Jesus at Calvary, and we all have the responsibility to preach this Gospel of Redemption and to proclaim the Atonement. When Messiah returns, God’s people will be totally free from all sin, sickness and disease, death and curse. The Biblical Jubilee will then be fully realised.


So our role is to educate, because deceived people don't know they are deceived people. 

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